本平台目的為推廣台灣臨床試驗,提供廠商、研究者及一般民眾臨床試驗之相關訊息。 若您需要刊登受試者招募廣告、臨床試驗相關活動或臨床試驗受托機構訊息,歡迎留下您的資料與聯絡方式,我們會儘速跟您連繫。
1. 十所市立醫院合併為一個單位,使臺北市立聯合醫院成為臺灣北部大型的醫療機構。合併的目的不僅在於改善醫院和社區醫療,還在於重建臺北市的整個公共醫療體系。這項改革的主題是建立“全面保健系統”。
2. 臺北市立聯合醫院共有間7院區,分布於臺北市各行政區,床位數量充足,各院區資源共享,研究能量倍增。
3. 本院致力於居家醫療、安寧療護、長期照護以及失智共照,適合執行相關之醫療器材臨床試驗。
Efficacy and Safety of Opinercept Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitor Therapy for Drug-Refractory Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Randomized Clinical Trial(2020)
A second dose of a measles-mumps-rubella vaccine administered to healthy four-to-sixyear-old children: a phase III, observer-blind, randomized, safety and immunogenicity study comparing GSK MMR and MMR II with and without DTaP-IPV and varicella vaccines co-administration(2019)
Lurasidone in the treatment of schizophrenia: Results of a double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial in Asian patients(2019)
Stepwise Intensification of Prandial Insulin in Taiwanese Patients with T2DM. Final Analysis Report of the SPIRIT Study(2018)
Safety and immunogenicity of an upper-range release titer measles-mumps-rubella vaccine in children vaccinated at 12 to 15 months of age: a phase III, randomized study(2018)
Real-world anti-viral treatment decisions among chronic hepatitis C patients in Taiwan: The INITIATE study(2018)
A Randomized, Double-Blind Clinical Study on Blood Pressure Reduction and Blood Lipid Profile Amelioration on Treatment with ANKASCIN 568(2017)